Many of us have seen the ads that say “We Buy Houses” and have wondered what it would be like to sell a home to an investor. While you do have to be very careful who you do business with, there are some advantages to this type of sale.
Below are 5 advantages of selling your home to a local investor.
1) Speed
Most investors will not be using bank financing so there will be no financing contingency in the contract. The purchase will close much more quickly than with a standard real estate transaction. Some deals can take up to 30 days to find a buyer and an additional 60 days to close the transaction through obtaining bank financing (the big banks are in control here). An investor, such as me, can close in as little as 5 days! Would your life be easier with a fast close?
2) Certainty
Most real estate transactions that are conducted by agents involve long and complicated legal agreements that are over 11 pages long. These agreements are full of contingencies and escape clauses. The main concern here would be the financing contingency. There is no guarantee that anyone can get a loan these days especially with the increased regulation of banks. If you’re selling your own home can you afford to wait 3 months (1 full season) only to find out that the buyer could not get a loan? When dealing with us we know whether we will buy your house right away—no contingencies. We don’t go to the banks for a loan. We pay cash for homes using our own cash.
3) No middleman
When you research realty companies in the Milwaukee, WI area you will be hiring a “broker”. That is someone you have to pay to find you a buyer for a fee. We are buyers! There is no middle man that you will have to pay $10,000 to only to have your home sit on the market tied up with contingencies and complicated legal agreements.
4) No repairs
If you’re selling your own home you will not have to make any repairs. We buy houses “as-is”. That means we will not hand you a huge repair list during the inspection period. We are no strangers to home maintenance and renovations.
5) Flexibility
Some homes have such large mortgage balances that an owner would have to come to closing with a big check! We can fix this. We can pay your mortgage for you. If you have read my article about closing costs when selling your own home you already know how much it will cost you to sell. Many times homes have been purchased with little or no money down so there is no “equity”? Would you be willing to write a check at closing? Effectively paying someone to buy your house!?
We can make your mortgage payments for you.
So, if you’re selling a home and need assistance contact us by filling out the form here
Or call us at (414) 877-5135 to see what we can do for you.
We can’t help you if we don’t know who you are.